জীবনের অন্বেষণ
Exploration of Life
The significance of life is vast and deep. Achieving social prestige, maintaining an occupation, becoming an expert in a field, gaining wisdom in life are monumental achievements. However, to understand this philosophy, the development of a balanced point of mind is essential. We need to understand the inner meaning of the entire life with due importance; otherwise peace and universality will not arrive. We will take such an initiative of thinking, practice and education so that an entire, balanced state can be created within an individual. Our life will be much more enriched if the excitement of continuous learning of life increases.
Our major objectives has been to explore various facets of life through different socio-cultural practices, promote formal and non-formal education, to empower our rural and urban youths through specific skill development training for suitable employment, and to celebrate the beauty as well as conservation of Mother Nature through our unique Near to Nature camps and Sustainable Tourism. We sincerely believe that the stress of our contemporary life has been turning detrimental for both our body and mind. Through our unique programs such as Mindfulness and Near to Nature; we work actively with our participants in an integrated traditional nature-based workshop to train both body and mind to cope with the stress, anxiety and negativity of our daily lives. We train our participants to be positive in their thoughts and activities; and rediscover the joys of life through our mindfulness training.
We as an organization serve as platform for educational and cultural exchange among our stakeholders in a collaborative manner. We are an organization dedicated towards conservation of our heritage, traditional socio-cultural practices as well as formal and non-formal education. We celebrate life in all forms and envision a future for all through proper education and training, participation in formal and informal seminars, symposium, workshops and camps to better understand the true meaning of life. We have a deep passion for knowing and protecting Mother Nature and evolving into a much better, positive, active and compassionate individual respectful towards our society and nature.