Sustainable Tourism

” বিপুলা এ পৃথিবীর কতটুকু জানি! দেশে দেশে কত-না নগর রাজধানী- মানুষের কত কীর্তি, কত নদী গিরি সিন্ধু মরু, কত-না অজানা জীব, কত-না অপরিচিত তরু রয়ে গেল অগোচরে।বিশাল বিশ্বের আয়োজন; মন মোর জুড়ে থাকে অতিক্ষুদ্র তারি এক কোণ।”                                        রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর

Modern life style, stress and anxiety have made our lives subjected to numerous challenges and threats. These directly and indirectly impact our life expectancy, thoughts, health, life styles and behavior. As individuals we need an escape to sustain the challenges of modern life and stress. Tourism is an important outlet in our social system to explore different places, and appreciate various traditions and cultures. It not only relieves us of the stress our daily life; but also enriches our socio-cultural experiences and make us more complete as an individual. Our aim is to promote sustainable tourism among the public to make them understand and appreciate how to avoid putting deep human footprints in an ecosystem. Our intention is to promote the concept of economy and ecology walking side by side by reaching out to diverse group of people in terms of nationality, ethnicity, economics and social status.